Everything that has ever happened to you creates a memory imprint on your light body.

Reclaim your energy & start living the life you desire.
Explore Energy HealingBook Your Session

Let go of old stories and release wounds from the past.

Reclaim your energy & start living the life you desire.

Explore Energy HealingBook Your Session

Let go of old stories and release wounds from the past.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff Energy Healer Los Angeles

I help people just like you reset, find guidance and reconnect with their purpose. When life takes a wrong turn or an experience leaves you shaken your energy can be affected. My job is to help you get back on track.

Together, we will call back the parts of you that have been lost, wounded or taken away. After just one session you will feel lighter, spiritually connected and more like yourself.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff Energy Healer Los Angeles

I help people just like you reset, find guidance and reconnect with their purpose. When life takes a wrong turn or an experience leaves you shaken, your energy can be affected. My job is to help you get back on track.

Together, we’ll call back the parts of you that have been lost, wounded or taken away. After just one session you will feel lighter, spiritually connected and more like yourself.

Let go of old stories and release wounds from the past.

Often, childhoods are filled with painful memories. These may include being teased, bullied at school, low self-esteem, abusive parents and even abandonment. You may find yourself going back over an issue again and again reimprinting the challenge or trauma you experienced.

These experiences may even develop into PTSD, depression, anxiety, fear or feelings of loneliness causing us to isolate. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. We live on a planet where many of us have gone through extreme difficulties. If you feel lost and do not know which path to take, I am here to guide you.

My gift is moving heavy, stuck, discordant energy. When this is done, you will feel lighter, get back on track, find your path and have the ability to motivate yourself once again. Energy healing helps you trust yourself so you feel empowered and confident to live a fulfilling life.

Clearing past life issues will help you to break the Karmic loops you have been stuck in for centuries. I also heal ancestral trauma and patterns, so you no longer continue a broken cycle. Unwinding and removing negativity helps us to find clarity in our lives. Every healing goes seven generations up and seven generations down.

Using my unique ancient healing techniques I teach my clients how to set energetic boundaries, remove past wounds, free negative imprints and release blocks so that they can live an empowered life.

If you’re ready to release old stories, overcome negative patterns and live the life that you were destined to live … learn more about a session with me.

How I Can Help You

I shine a light on what is no longer working in your life so you can move forward.
After just one healing session you will feel a noticeable difference.

Shaman Energy Healing

Free yourself from the negativity that’s trapped in your auric field: body, mind and soul. Remove heavy and dense energy from your system with Shaman energy healing.

Shift away from depression, anxiety or feeling stuck and begin living from a place of happiness and joy. Watch your life transform from your very first session.

Home & Office Clearing Blessings

Just like people, homes, offices, buildings and land hold energy. These energetic imprints can affect one’s day-to-day life.

Clear your home or workplace of any negative attachments or energy of the past with my house-clearing blessings. Start feeling safe, comfortable and happy in your space again.

Isabella in Action

“In a world of big promises and disappointing results, Isabella stands apart from a very crowded field. In my personal experience with Isabella, I have found that she has been able to solve problems in weeks, where conventional therapy can take years, if not decades.”

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Your words are spells. Your thoughts are things.

Stop letting fear, anxiety or your past hold you back. Create the life you desire today.