A Modern Shaman Podcast

Tune in for fascinating discussions about spirituality, consciousness, coming to awareness and being a modern shaman in today’s world. 

What A Modern Shaman Is All About

Join Shaman Isabella Stoloff and Seeker/restaurateur Kimberly Harlan every Tuesday for this entertaining – heart-opening – energy-moving podcast series. Spend the next 30 minutes learning how to laugh through your struggles while embracing your story.

Step into the mystic world of A Modern Shaman where we invite you to unleash your inner magic and become a shaman of the modern era. Our mission is to share stories of women who have overcome their fears and celebrate their uniqueness and true voice.

Latest Episodes

Ep. 07 – Do You Believe In Ghosts?

Ep. 07 – Do You Believe In Ghosts?

This week on A Modern Shaman, immerse yourself in the spiritual plane as Kimberly Harlan and Shaman Isabella bring insight, enlightenment, and transformation to the mysteries of the unknown. Unearth the secrets of an unseen reality, full of spirits, ghosts, and past lives waiting to be discovered.

Ep. 06 – Sober Curious

Ep. 06 – Sober Curious

Get ready to be inspired and empowered on this episode of A Modern Shaman! Join hosts Shaman Isabella & Kimberly Harlan in their exploration into freedom and joy through finding sobriety while they chat with author Linda Saslow.

Ep. 05 – A Journey Into Shamanism

Ep. 05 – A Journey Into Shamanism

This week on A Modern Shaman, tune in as we get to know our remarkable hosts Shaman Isabella Stoloff and Kimberly Harlan. They share their personal journeys into shamanism, and what it means to them to “Be a shaman in their own lives.” J

Ep. 04 – What Constitute Rape, Part 2

Ep. 04 – What Constitute Rape, Part 2

We are continuing our discussion and journey into, “What constitutes rape?” Join Shaman Isabella and Kimberly Harlan this week on A Modern Shaman as they welcome their first guest, who shares her inspiring story of growth after listening to Episode 03.

Ep. 03 – What Constitute Rape, Part 1

Ep. 03 – What Constitute Rape, Part 1

This week on A Modern Shaman, we are diving into the powerful and difficult conversation – “What is rape?”, how do we create healthy boundaries within our relationships, and the importance of teaching both men AND women about respect, awareness, and the power of using your voice.

Ep. 02 – The Self Worth Dance: How Low Can You Go?

Ep. 02 – The Self Worth Dance: How Low Can You Go?

This week, A Modern Shaman is exploring that scary and somewhat uncomfortable topic: self-worth. Join Shaman Isabella and Kimberly Harlan as they reflect on their own personal struggles with self-worth and the techniques they use to empower themselves on a daily basis – tools which can help us take control over our lives and feel more

Ep. 01 – 23 & Me… Do You Know Who Your Parents Are?

Ep. 01 – 23 & Me… Do You Know Who Your Parents Are?

On the first episode of “A Modern Shaman,” Shaman Isabella and Kimberly Harlan discuss their 23 & Me stories, spirituality, family connections and more. Both women share their newfound knowledge about energy medicine, discovering their roots in shamanic healing practices, genealogy, epigenetics and more.

“I got so much out of – A Modern Shaman- podcast cast! Learning to take a birds-eye view of my life as well as the message, “You are not your story”. “Your story is your story, but it doesn’t have to live in your soul”. Fantastic!”

“Loved the “Self-worth” episode for so many reasons. I feel your story is a beautiful tapestry of life! These recordings now live in posterity for your Grandchildren and future generations! What a great legacy to share. Self-worth always begins within. Thank you for sharing this with the world. ”
“Oh I loved this episode!!! I definitely related to “not feeling pretty enough” even though people always said I was. How funny, we can’t always hear it. Really great! ”

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