Discover Your Magic in Bali

Join Shaman Isabella for a transformative retreat where each day brings you closer to your authentic self.

What You Will Experience

Isabella’s motivational sacred retreats and gatherings are truly transformative. They offer a unique opportunity to release the past and focus on what matters most: the present moment. Through Isabella’s profound insights on letting go of old stories and her helpful mindfulness techniques, you will learn how to embrace a new way of living. Embark on a journey of self-discovery in Bali, connecting deeply with your authentic self.

Your time in Ubud will be rich with experiences that facilitate deep healing and renewal. Each day will offer new insights, guided by Isabella using her Good Vibes cards and intuitive channeling & healing, you will release the old so you can embrace the new. Bali’s vibrant energy provides the perfect backdrop for letting go and navigating the shifts of this new era.

Whether you are seeking an enlightening experience, changing direction, or starting a journey of self-discovery, Bali is the ideal place for you. Expect each day to be filled with magic—the magic of your soul. With Isabella as your guide, you will ground in a new vibration and return feeling rejuvenated, with clear intuition and renewed purpose.

Shaman Isabella looks forward to guiding you in uncovering your inner wisdom and magic.

What to Expect:

Morning Rituals

Start your day with practices like Breathwork, meditation, light yoga, ecstatic dance, or stretching.

Daily Reflection

Unwind the old narrative and reweave a new story that serves your life in a whole new way. Pull a card from the Good Vibes oracle deck. Shaman Isabella will offer you a reading for self-reflection.


Water healing ceremony – Swing – Tea tasting – Cooking class – Hike to Waterfall

Evening Gatherings

The Journey: During this shamanic retreat you will dig deep, doing the shadow work, and rediscovering the lost parts of yourself. Awaken the creator within and transform your life free from worry and fear; Fire Ceremony / Good Vibes Gathering /Flower ritual.

One-on-One Sessions

Shaman Isabella is available for a few one-on-one healing sessions during the retreat. Please book these ahead of time.


If you would like a massage, please let me know ahead of time so we can book one for you. Our first day and last day would be perfect for massage.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff hugging a woman
Isabella Stoloff energy healing

About Shaman Isabella

Shaman Isabella is a revered spiritual guide and healer, with a journey deeply rooted in personal transformation and a commitment to global well-being.

In 2009, following a profound Ayahuasca experience in the Amazon Jungle, Isabella founded the Orange County Healing Center. This pivotal moment in her life allowed her to see herself with newfound clarity, empowering her to reclaim her strength and purpose.

For over a decade, Isabella has led transformative retreats, guiding groups to the heart of Peru and the depths of the Amazon for plant medicine ceremonies. Her passion for exploring the spiritual richness of the world has also taken her to sacred sites across England, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Bali, where she facilitates deep healing and self-discovery.

In 2015, Isabella, alongside her youngest daughter, created the Good Vibes oracle deck, a tool for spiritual guidance available in both English and Spanish. Her dedication to service extends to her continuous support of an orphanage in Peru, reflecting her belief in the power of giving back to the community.

Isabella’s work is guided by her heartfelt prayer, “Clean air, clean water, clean food,” and her transformative mantra, “Shift your consciousness and watch your whole world change.” Through her teachings, one-on-one sessions, and motivational gatherings, Shaman Isabella inspires others to embark on their own journeys of healing and awakening.

About Shaman Isabella

Shaman Isabella is a revered spiritual guide and healer, with a journey deeply rooted in personal transformation and a commitment to global well-being.

In 2009, following a profound Ayahuasca experience in the Amazon Jungle, Isabella founded the Orange County Healing Center. This pivotal moment in her life allowed her to see herself with newfound clarity, empowering her to reclaim her strength and purpose.

For over a decade, Isabella has led transformative retreats, guiding groups to the heart of Peru and the depths of the Amazon for plant medicine ceremonies. Her passion for exploring the spiritual richness of the world has also taken her to sacred sites across England, Ireland, Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Bali, where she facilitates deep healing and self-discovery.

Shaman Isabella Stoloff hugging a woman

In 2015, Isabella, alongside her youngest daughter, created the Good Vibes oracle deck, a tool for spiritual guidance available in both English and Spanish. Her dedication to service extends to her continuous support of an orphanage in Peru, reflecting her belief in the power of giving back to the community.

Isabella’s work is guided by her heartfelt prayer, “Clean air, clean water, clean food,” and her transformative mantra, “Shift your consciousness and watch your whole world change.” Through her teachings, one-on-one sessions, and motivational gatherings, Shaman Isabella inspires others to embark on their own journeys of healing and awakening.

Isabella Stoloff energy healing


  • Accommodation
  • 9 meals
  • 4 excursions Gatherings and ceremonies with
  • Shaman Isabella

Not Included:

  • Trip insurance
  • Round trip airfare
  • Tips
  • Transport in and out of town for shopping or private excursions
  • Private sessions with Isabella
  • Visa
  • Massage


  • Accommodation
  • 9 meals
  • 4 excursions Gatherings and ceremonies with
  • Shaman Isabella

Not Included:

  • Trip insurance
  • Round trip airfare
  • Tips
  • Transport in and out of town for shopping or private excursions
  • Private sessions with Isabella
  • Visa
  • Massage

How to Book

To book your spot please fill in the form or email Isabella directly at

Bali Retreat 2024 Enquiry

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