Energetic Cord Cutting: 4 Ways to Reclaim Your Energy

by | May 2, 2023 | Energy Healing, Self Healing, Spiritual Guidance

If you’re feeling drained, weighed down, demotivated, listless, or consumed by emotions that don’t seem to belong to you, you may be holding onto energetic cords from past relationships, events or traumas. 

Left unattended, these energetic cords can continue to drain your energy away from you, causing long term negative effects to your well-being. Once you remove these cords, your energy and vitality will be restored and you can continue living your life in your fullest expression. 

In the following post, you’ll learn all about energetic cords or cording, including:

  • What are energetic cords,
  • Why negative cords are so harmful,
  • Why you should remove negative cords, and,
  • How you can remove these cords.

What are Energetic Cords?

Cords, also known as energetic cords are invisible, intangible connections that people have with others, places, events or traumas. These cords are like energetic attachments or associations, and can link a person to another being, place or event long after the interaction occurs. You may even be corded to a past life.

Cording can come about in a variety of ways. We can cord to people through making love, having an argument or dispute or several other ways. You could become corded to an event such as a car accident by being so shaken by the experience and not knowing how to do the work to move the trauma through your body. 

Depending on the nature or circumstance behind the connection, cords can be either positive, negative or neutral. One thing for sure, you only want to be corded to yourself and nothing else.

Positive cords, such as pleasant relationships with loved ones, can nourish us, elevate our frequencies and fill our hearts with love and peace. But even though this is true again, cording drains you and can cause disruption in your energetic field. So one must always de-cord to be in their full light.
Neutral cords, such as exchanges with strangers, can be harmless and will have no effect on us. Once in a while doing a cord-cutting cleaning ritual and visualizing yourself in your own divine line is a great practice.

However, negative cords, such as those created during events of trauma or difficult relationships, can deplete our energy, drain your life force, cause one to repeat sabotaging patterns and more. 

What Causes Negative Cords?

Negative cords are typically born from difficult experiences, events or interactions with others.

These instances can leave us feeling rattled—during and after the interaction—and it can take time for us to move on and recover. However, long after the interaction occurs, the energy can persist. 

If the experience of interaction was traumatic, an energetic cord can form. This cord could bond you to the event, experience or person, leaving you feeling confused, depressed and anxious.

Negative cords arise for several reasons. Some of the main reasons include: 

  • Devastating fights, abrupt endings or difficult relationships with people: When difficult instances occur with people in our lives, we can create an energetic cord to the person or the situation.  For example, a fight that results in the end of a relationship, a divorce, or something similar may cause us to create cords with the people who we experience these tough times with. Even if these people are no longer present in our lives, we’ll still have an energetic cord attached to them born from the shared traumatic experience. 
  • Unhealthy attachments: Sometimes, we can become obsessive or overly invested in something or someone. This could be a job we’re desperate to land or a person we’re in a codependent relationship with. In these instances, an unhealthy attachment to the person, place or thing can form. From this unhealthy attachment, a bond or cord will arise, causing us to psychically devote our energy or life force to the thing that we’re attached to. When we base our value and worth on something outside of ourselves or something we are overly attached to, we will inadvertently create a cord that drains our energy and ceases our vitality. 
  • Unresolved issues: If we don’t take the time to do the inner work, traumas and issues from past experiences will haunt us resulting in energetic attachments that aren’t all that easy to shake. These unhealed wounds from issues or experiences that haven’t been addressed can cause us to seek out and attract similar experiences with others. For example, if you grew up in a home with difficult family dynamics, you may subconsciously seek out partners that demonstrate similar behaviors or dynamics, or possibly mimic the feeling you experienced growing up. 
  • Past life experiences: In some cases, cords are created in previous incarnations. Experiences that are so traumatic or difficult to process can energetically transcend incarnations. While this isn’t always common, it’s not unheard of. 
  • Psychic attacks: As the saying goes, thoughts are things, and when someone thinks a negative thought of another, it can manifest as a psychic attack. If someone consciously or unconsciously has negative thoughts about another, they could be sending negative energy or entities in that person’s direction. In this instance, if that negative energy is felt and picked up on, the vibrations could create an energetic cord where this person could siphon energy from another to build themselves up. An example of this is if someone is jealous or envious of you, they could send a psychic attack your way by thinking or wishing ill of you. 

One of the most important things to note is that often, people are not aware that they have cords attached to them. They may be going through the motions of life feeling certain sensations (such as insecurities, lethargy or exhaustion, unwellness or physical pain etc.) but will have no logical explanation or physical symptom to validate this.

In these cases, it’s possible that an energetic cord is attached to that person, and that their energy or life force vitality is being compromised without their knowledge. This is why it’s so important to cut energetic cords. 

How to Tell If You Have Negative Cords 

The quickest way to tell if you have negative cords attached to you is to check in with your emotions. It’s not easy for most people to have laser focused insight into their emotions, but begin building this awareness by checking in with yourself. 

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I feeling stuck?
  • Am I still thinking about an event or past experience?
  • Am I feeling sad, lonely or heartbroken over a lover?
  • Am I in a relationship that is toxic?
  • Am I finding it difficult to get out of this toxic relationship?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may have energetic cords attached to you.

Why Should You Cut Energetic Cords?

Cords are super powerful. If you don’t know that they’re there, they can manipulate your emotions, your thinking, your feelings, everything. If you’re not aware that you have energetic cords attached to you, you won’t understand why you are feeling this way, and it’ll be as if you’re under a sort of psychic attack. 

If cords are left untouched, you’ll continue feeling a sense of lack, exhaustion, or deflation in your energy field. Cutting the cords that are stealing energy from you means that you’ll be able to reclaim your energy and can return to your full expression. 

Cutting cords doesn’t mean severing relationships with people you love. It means having more discernment for the relationships in your life: focusing on those that are healthy and bring you joy, and releasing those that are not serving your highest good. 

When you intentionally cut a cord, you’ll not only call your energy back to you, but you’ll also create space for new connections and positive energy to come into your life.

Even though you could have neutral or positive cords to others, the truth of the matter is you only want to be corded to yourself, and not corded to another person. From lovers to children, you only want to have connections with yourself and be concerned with your own divine line.

Benefits of energetic cord cutting include:

  • Increased energy and awareness: When you remove the siphon that’s sucking energy from you, all of your natural energy will be returned to you. When this occurs, you’ll start feeling lighter, more creative, you’ll sleep better, you’ll align with your mission and purpose, you’ll have regular self-care or spiritual practice, and you’ll feel more focused and driven. 
  • Improved intuition: When you remove the stuck, dead, and dense connection from your energy field, you may find that your spiritual gifts and intuitive abilities improve. 
  • Better relationships: When you cut negative cords with others, you’ll remove attachments to negative people and make space for other connections in your life. 

4 Ways to Cut Energetic Cords

Now that you know what energetic cords are and why it’s so important to have them removed, you might be wondering how you can go about doing so. 

Below are several techniques that you can employ to cut energetic cords. Some of these methods are simple enough to do alone, but if you want help, it’s best to work with a professional

Visualization. One of the most popular cord-cutting techniques is to use visualization. This process involves using your imagination or the power of your mind’s eye to sever any energetic attachments corded to you. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you’ll have privacy. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself. 

Visualize your body and picture actual cords coming out of it. These can look like ropes, electrical cords, cables, wires, pipes, anything that comes to your mind. Using your imagination, take a pair of scissors, a knife, a sword, or any device that can cut through material, to psychically cut the cord that’s emerging from you. 

As you cut the cord, recite a line similar to the following, “I claim all my energy back to me now. I decord and unhook from this situation, and I bring all my cords, all my energy into my own body. Anybody else’s cord I’m holding on to, and anyone else that I’m corded to that I don’t know about, I release them clear and clean now.”

While you are cutting energetic cords, picture your energy returning to your body. See yourself fill up with light, love, and positivity. You may want to repeat this process a few times, or, if you feel the need, do this as part of your daily routine. 

Cord Cutting Meditation. If you struggle to imagine or concentrate during the visualizations in your mind, use an energetic cord-cutting meditation to help you. 

Guided meditations are easier to follow as there are prompts to follow. Also, listening to someone’s voice helps to quieten the noise in your own mind. Cord-cutting meditations will have a visualization component to them, but since you’ll be following someone’s voice and instruction, it’ll be easier to do than create the visual yourself. 

Find an energetic cord-cutting meditation on YouTube or possibly from a meditation app. When you’ve found one you like, get into a comfortable position in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and begin the meditation.

Affirmations. Another approach to cutting energetic cords is by using affirmations. Affirmations are positive sentences or phrases repeated to shift one’s neural pathways and mindset. To use cord-cutting affirmations, find a comfortable position and take a few deep breaths to quieten your mind. 

Repeat the following affirmation either aloud or in your mind, “I release any and all energetic cords that are attached to me. I release any and all cords that no longer serve me. I call my energy back to me. I am filled with love and positivity. I am free.” If you prefer to create your own affirmation, that’s fine too!

Repeat these affirmations as many times as you like. Repeating them will help you anchor the work in your energy body and help you keep the cords at bay. 

Energy healing. If you want help cutting cords, seek out the services of a professional. This could be a therapist, counselor, shaman or reiki practitioner, but the most success will come from working with an energy healer

A professionally trained and experienced energy healer will be able to work with your energy body and auric field far more effectively. They’ll be able to use their energetic healing techniques and identify blocks or patterns that may be adding to the cords in your energy field. They can remove the cords and help give you insight into what may have caused them—and can help you if these cords are from past lives or have challenging, deep connections. 

Working with a professional means that you’ll also get guidance and support for maintaining your energetic vitality. They’ll give you more self-healing tools and techniques that you can do after your session to help you maintain your positive energy levels. There are several energetic healing modalities available, shamanic energy healing will be very effective in cutting energetic cords from this and previous lifetimes. 

Sometimes, you may have cords that are positive connections, not negative ones. For example, you may have cords with a friend or family member. Here, use a different approach to energetic shielding. 

These cords may not be explicitly siphoning energy from you or causing a negative impact on your energy field, but they should still be removed from your energy body to help you protect and preserve your energy. 

When removing positive cords, rather than imagining cutting them psychically with a tool, remove these cords with love. Instead of cutting the cord, imagine the cord being consumed in white gold light and then dissolving. This method is gentle and loving so is perfect for healthy relationships that may be corded. 

Ending Thoughts About Energetic Cords

Energetic cords can play a massive role in one’s life. If you’re unknowingly got several energetic cords attached to you, you’ll feel their impact on your energy and well-being. 

Understanding what energetic cords are and learning how to remove them will help you reclaim your energy and return to a state of empowerment. Energetic cords are not easy to comprehend, so if you find yourself struggling to remove them, don’t worry. There are trained professionals who have decades of experience in removing cords and working with energy. 

You have the power to take back your energy and live a happy, healthy, and joyous life. If going through this process alone is intimidating, and you’d like help in the form of energy healing for trauma, work with a skilled professional

If you’ve experienced energetic cords or have removed cords, share your experiences in the comments below!

Want to learn more about energetic cord cutting? Tune into Episode 13 of A Modern Shaman where Isabella Stollof and Kimberly Harlan discuss cutting energetic cords.

Shaman Isabella

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