What Is Shamanic Soul Retrieval and How Does It Work?

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Energy Healing

Shamanic Soul Retrieval | Restoring Soul Loss

Life can get overwhelming at times, and traumatic events can cause us to lose a piece of ourselves. Without the right help, getting back to the most healed version of ourselves can be incredibly challenging, and that is where soul retrieval comes in. 

Whether you are looking into past-life soul retrieval or present-day soul retrieval, having a shamanic practitioner work through your challenges with you can be highly beneficial.

In this post, you will learn everything there is to know about shamanic soul retrieval. You will learn about soul loss, how energy healing can help you, and how, through shamanic healing, you can become the most healed and revitalized version of yourself, so you can have a brighter future.

What is Soul Retrieval? 

Soul retrieval comes in two different forms: past-life soul retrieval and present-day soul retrieval. While these are two different practices, they both refer to the same act of regaining a piece of your soul that has been lost. I will dive into each of these practices in more detail later on. 

What is Soul Loss and What Causes It?

Soul loss is when a piece of your soul, also called your soul essence or soul fragment, goes missing due to a traumatic event, stressful situation or wounding that took place either in a past life or in the present one. Are you wondering whether or not you have lost a piece of your soul? 

Signs of soul loss: 

These are some of the indications that you could be struggling with soul loss. If any of these apply to you, sitting down with a shaman to engage in energy healing could be highly beneficial. 

  • Difficulty being present – many people that struggle with soul loss have difficulty living in the present moment because they feel depleted and lack energy. This decreases their quality of life and makes it hard for others to connect with them. 
  • Negative thoughts – people that have experienced soul loss struggle with nagging negative thoughts. They are stuck in a loop, going over and over the same problem. Their lack of esteem also causes them to stop fighting these negative thoughts, instead letting them fester in their minds. 
  • Self-neglect – when a piece of your soul is lost, you will often stop taking care of yourself the way you should. You become less of a priority in your own life, leading to self-neglect. Others seem more important to you and you may become a people pleaser or an over giver.
  • Feelings of disconnect – soul loss is often due to actions or circumstances that you had no control over. Other times it is due to something you caused. You may feel like you don’t belong or are always on the outside looking in. Issues such as unhealthy working environments, abusive relationships, or no passion or zest for life. These things lead individuals to feel disconnected from themselves and those around them.
  • Difficulty with adjusting – oftentimes soul loss takes place after a traumatic event, and if the soul is struggling to recover, they don’t adjust to new circumstances very well. 
  • Coping mechanisms – if a person is dealing with soul loss, they may try to cover their discomfort with unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
  • Depression – souls that are struggling with soul loss often feel depressed, which is marked by feelings of worthlessness, and a lack of direction and purpose. 

If these signs describe what you are currently going through, then it may be a sign that your sacred energy is compromised. If so, then it is time to take action through a soul healing journey or soul retrieval ceremony.

An energy healing consultation will help you discover if a soul retrieval is right for you. A Shaman can work with you to discover the lost soul fragments that have gone missing so you can release past life karma and live a new destiny.

Shamanic Healing with Past Life Soul Retrieval 

The past-life shamanic soul retrieval process involves accessing the chambers of the heart where the lifetimes live. By going into the underworld where all the memories are held you will be able to access the wounds that are associated with previous lifetimes. The first chamber is the chamber of wounds. This chamber holds the key to traumatic experiences that took place in past lives where you may have experienced soul loss.

The chamber of wounds: In the chamber of wounds, you will find the memory associated with events that took place in previous lives. Knowing this allows you to process the trauma and let go of much of the hurt that you feel. The healer will be able to clear this and bring to you the healed soul piece you need to move forward in this lifetime.

The contract chamber: This chamber holds the secret to why you feel the way you do and why you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Souls have a contract for the lessons they need to learn in this lifetime, and they will repeat the same mistake over and over until they finally learn the lesson that they entered each lifetime to learn. When you find out what this lesson is, you will be able to learn the lesson, let it go, and see actual growth in your life. After clearing the old contract, you will create a new one. One that supports your destiny.

The chamber of gifts: This chamber contains a spiritual gift that can help you with your spiritual journey. It can come in the form of a color, crystal or item that helps you remember your path and why you are here.

Exiting the cave: As the healer exits the cave, an animal will appear. This animal is here to help you connect deeper your soul piece. This is different from a Totem or Spirit animal. This animal will act as a reminder of who you really are. Study the attributes of this animal and how it relates to you in this world.

When the soul retrieval is complete, the shaman will then blow the soul piece, new contract, gift, and animal into one or more of your seven chakras. This allows you to slowly integrate the healing into your everyday life and see your life with new eyes and vibrations.

Shamanic Healing with Present-Day Soul Retrieval

Present-day soul retrieval is the act of engaging in deep inner child work to repair wounds that have formed during this lifetime. Every traumatic or hurtful event can affect how you relate in the world. It can also cause emotional wounding. This wounding may also affect you throughout your life until it is addressed.

Present-day soul retrieval is needed when you are unable to cope or are triggered by old emotions. Everything that has ever happened to you, (whether in this life of another) creates a memory imprint on your light body. Until looked at, these imprints may hold you back in life. They may keep you from e=becoming the best version of yourself. We are all sensitive beings and how we were raised impacts us deeply. It can cause us to have unknown triggered. When you are emotionally triggered, you can act out or withdraw and not understand why. The reason maybe they never felt safe, were never protected, never heard, or never understood.

Until your inner child has fully recovered from this, the memories will persist, and the triggers will reoccur. You will continue to pick partners, relationships, jobs, or situations that place you in this energy. Until you understand why.

During a present-day soul retrieval session, you and your Shaman will revisit the old wound /issue that has caused so much grief and pain. If the trauma is too painful or the memory too intense the healer can clear the old energy and regain the fragmented soul part without you having to revisit the wound.

This trauma or life challenge could be big or small but understanding that we all have pieces missing allows us to address the problem head-on. While visiting this wound, you will heal the inner child and the situation. You will also heal the portion of your adult self that is still wounded and gets triggered. This will help you to make better life choices. 

Once both energy bodies have been healed, you will engage in a light activation ritual to bring your inner child back into alignment with the adult self. 

Remember, like attracts like so when your energy shifts you will no longer attract old patterns and negative situations. 

How energy healing can help with soul retrieval 

If you are ready to finally let go of whatever is holding you back and step into your power, book an energy healing session.

During shamanic healing sessions, you will remove the heavy weight and burden you have been carrying for lifetimes. Once this happens you will see your trauma in a whole new light, from a higher perspective. You will deeply connect with your inner self and intuition and trust yourself like never before. Energy healing helps you remember your true purpose and teaches you how to live from connected space.

Are you ready to feel the difference with a life-changing energy healing session? Book your session for a transformative experience. 

Shaman Isabella

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